Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability


Hello and welcome to Can-Do-Ability. My name is Steven and I’m the Social Media Facilitator at NOVA Employment, an organisation that helps people with disabilities.

Using this blog, it will be my job to keep you informed about current news relating to disabilities as well as stories of peoples triumphs over their disability. It is my hope that this site will be an area where you and I can discuss and share our experiences of having a disability, so we can try to spread awareness that while our disabilities place limitations on us, but we can overcome them.

I want to hear your suggestions on what you would like to see on this blog. So if you have any feedback or questions. Feel free to let me know and I will be happy to answer them.

I look forward to talking with you all and bringing you information on a wide range of topics.

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Focus on Ability 10th anniversary
It's Focus on Ability's 10th anniversary. Head over to to check out what the festival is all about, get involved, or view some of the great films from previous ... More >>
Focus on Ability Short Film Festival 2017
Can-Do-Ability: Focus on Ability Short Film Festival 2017Entries for the Focus on Ability Short Film Festival are open until the 30th of June, so there's still time to submit a video of 5 minutes or less. You don't need professional equipment to ... More >>
2016 IASSIDD World Congress Day 4
It's our final day at the IASSIDD World Congress and the small amount of people around makes me think things are winding down here. Yesterday I made a few new contacts to help spread the word about ... More >>
2016 IASSIDD World Congress Day 3
Day three of the IASSIDD World Congress in Melbourne is here. Things are moving along but our TV has decided to work only when it chooses to. Current theories as to why this is range from it being bored ... More >>
2016 IASSIDD World Congress Day 2
It's day two of the IASSIDD World Congress in Melbourne and we're continuing to show the difference employing people can make, not only to the person being employed but to the whole community. ... More >>
A better way of describing the autistic spectrum
Can-Do-Ability: A better way of describing the autistic spectrumHow many of us have thought of the autistic spectrum as a straight line from 1 to 100. The media often portrays autism as affecting the traits of people in the same way and to the same degree. All people ... More >>
Ouch Disability Talk Podcast
Can-Do-Ability: Ouch Disability Talk PodcastThe Ouch Podcast talks about news and issues affecting those with a disability, all with a humorous touch added to the mix. The presenters themselves each have a disability so they speak from personal ... More >>
Have you heard of Anosmia
Can-Do-Ability: Have you heard of AnosmiaI had a basic familiarity of what Anosmia is but I didn't know a lot about it. When I read this article about A ... More >>
When society thinks you'd be better off dead
Can-Do-Ability: When society thinks you'd be better off deadI recently read an article about a man named Amir Hussain Lone who plays cricket without any arms. Playing cricket with no arms He spoke about ... More >>
I'm not being anti-social
Can-Do-Ability: I'm not being anti-socialWhen you have a disability getting involved in social gatherings or activities can be difficulty. When you turn down someone's invitation there are usually statements made, and questions asked about ... More >>
Time to think about how to create a more inclusive Australia
Can-Do-Ability: Time to think about how to create a more inclusive AustraliaI hadn't given any thought to the upcoming election. But With the recent new indicating that the federal government may hold the election in July, I thought it was worth thinking about what we can ... More >>
World Down Syndrome Day
Can-Do-Ability: World Down Syndrome DayThe 21st of March is world Down Syndrome Day. A day to raise awareness of what Down Syndrome is, and to recognise the contribution people with Down Syndrome make to society. You can help raise awareness ... More >>
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