Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability

Why are employees with disabilities so loyal to their job

25 Jun 2012Ok, so I'm sharing all my secrets here about why I rarely have a day off unless I'm unconscious and why I plan to stay working at NOVA until I or NOVA drops dead!

The stats show that employees with a disability stay in their job longer than people without a disability. The reason I see this happening (providing it's a good job match) is because we like to stay in an environment that has been set up for us and that we are comfortable in. There is nothing worse than going back into the world of the unknown where doors don't open automatically, where you are stuck in a small cubicle and where you have to teach a whole bunch of new people that ‘its only a twitch', you aren't trying to hit someone – honest!

Employees with a disability are loyal – they feel like they fit in and they feel appreciated so they return the favour by giving 100%. They work hard to prove to themselves and to their boss that they have the skills, attitude and determination to be as good, if not better, than there non-disabled counterparts.

Employees with a disability take less sick leave because if you only knew who needs to know that you are staying home, you would never be sick either. Not only would I have to let work know I wasn't going to work, I would also need to find someone who could come visit me during the day to feed and water me. It's much easier to go to work where that is already all set up.

Employees with a disability overcome physical and psychological barriers every day to get to work. They are resilient and resourceful not just in how they get a job but also with how they problem solve in their jobs.

For someone with a disability, getting a job means ‘the world' to them. Financially its a big change in lifestyle and it feels good to get out of the house, into life and contributing with a purpose!

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Previous Comments

Lisa from Newcastle posted on 27 Jun 2012
Excellent points,not only to convince an employer,but alsojobseekers re-entering the workforce.

Martin from St Marys posted on 25 Jun 2012
What's this about NOVA DR-OPping dead!

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