Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability

Wage subsidies - really

9 Jul 2012May I pose a very BIG question to my readers?

The question is: How would you feel if your workplace was given money to employ you?

Answer: Like a

a) Charity case

b) Person no-one knows what to do with

c) Problem in society the government doesn't want to really help, because they are scared to ask the people what is really needed

How sad is it that the government gives out money to these wonderful (not), helpful (not), good hearted (not) employers who are doing you such a favour (not) and giving you these amazing opportunities (not). The employer deserves nothing but for you to not do any work and for you to drink all their coffee, eat all their biscuits and use up their tissues and toilet paper!

It is such a blow to a person's self-esteem to be seen as a charity case who needs to be sold to an employer by the government who hands them all of your wages to keep you.

Let me tell you what happens when a disabled person is employed under a subsidy – not much!

Firstly, you are not costing the business anything so it doesn't matter if they don't train you or give you anything to do.

Secondly, your skills and potential are wasted

Thirdly, the employer thinks, look how good my business is, we are employing those with a disability, aren't we great!

Fourthly, the government stats look better in the area of unemployment for people with a disability.

I would rather sit at home on my Disability Support Pension or do volunteer work where I can have my self-respect and self-esteem kept in tact even if I am poor.

If the government doesn't know how to help people with a disability gain employment, how is the business community supposed to know?

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Previous Comments

D from Florida posted on 9 Jul 2012
I was a job coach for a couple years "helping" the disabled find employment. I could not have said it better. I have nothing to add to this article other than a sincere "well said!". In full disclosure, I am a C-7 quad as well as a former job coach.

Ian from Perth posted on 9 Jul 2012
No subsidy because of disability - it's demeaning.Maybe because of length of time on benefits but not disability per se - would Stevie Wonder get a subsidy (should he?) or should tickets to his concerts be discounted?Equal work = equal pay, equal ability = equal subsidy - or not as the case may be.

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