Tim Ferguson
20 Jan 2014:
Tim Ferguson, one third of the Doug Anthony All-Stars has recently revealed that he has MS.
When I discovered this I decided to do some research and found this great interview at: http.
Tim's symptoms started at 19 years of age before his career even took off. Every now and then he would get another symptom that he would just work into the comedy routine and go on with the show! It wasn't until recently that Tim was diagnosed with MS. This has not stopped Tim performing, teaching, writing a book and touring as a comedian. Tim does not want to be an advocate for MS but to just get on with life and show himself through comedy.
Tim has no self pity, eternally optimistic, his new show is called ‘Carry A Big Stick'. Tim is not angry and refuses to whinge – amazing!
I LOOOOVE, Tim Ferguson – since I was in year 8 in high school. His wit and humour are awesome and he is never afraid to cross that line of inappropriateness when it comes to disabilities.