The scars we endure
25 Mar 2014:

I would like to bring your attention to this article titled, “Are we There Yet?” ( ).
The article lists a lot of discrimination that causes those with disabilities a lot of stress and anxiety all because of people's ignorance and short sightedness.
For example, why would anyone take a cane off a blind person? Why would anyone refuse someone an inside table because they have a guide dog? Why would anyone refuse to book travel arrangement for someone with a disability?
Fear and ignorance and trying to follow rules that need to be flexible for those with a disability.
I'll never forget the cruise I went on where I was blamed for booking the wrong kind of room because I did not say ‘yes' to ‘being confined to a wheelchair'. Apparently, saying that you need a ‘wheelchair accessible room' is not enough.
It's those scars that we carry with us that make us think twice before we go to a concert again, go to a restaurant again, book a holiday or go on a cruise again!