The ongoing bus trip
24 Sep 2013:
My first trip home by bus was a dream!
My first trip to work was something entirely different.
I got to the bus stop on a rainy morning and the bus was six minutes late. When the bus did arrive it had stairs so I could not get on. Grrrrrr!
I had done my homework and I got a list of busses that were supposed to be wheelchair accessible so I have no idea what went wrong.
I then decided to go to the next bus stop where the next bus was coming which was not supposed to be wheelchair accessible and lo and behold, it was, accessible so I jumped on and went to work.
I ended up getting to work at 9am not 8.30am so relying on the bus to get me to work on time is not a good idea.
Yesterday I rang Westbus and told them what happened and the 8:16 buss was accessible today and I got to work at 8:30am! Woohoo!!