Reggie, The Paralyzed, Bodybuilding Superstar!
29 Mar 2012:

In my job, I am lucky enough to work with some wonderful people, from all walks of life. I have been blessed, in the past three years, to form some great friendships, and get to know some awesome young adults, from the Transition to Work program.
Transition to Work is a two year traineeship run by NOVA Employment. The program accepts year 12 graduate students with disabilities, where they are trained up, so they feel ready to enter the workforce confidently.
Not only do they learn important life skills, they will also get a taste of different types of employment, which they may have never thought they were interested in, through various work experience placements.
One of our current first year trainees, Michael, came to me this morning with a challenge. He told me that he could write a story just as good as me. So I accepted his challenge, and told him to go and find a story, write about it, and I would consider putting up on my blog. I have shared Michaels first article below for you to enjoy…
Hi, my names Michael, I've always loved body building, as I go to the gym to become big myself, which inspired me to write this story about a man who never stopped, or gave up on his life just because he had a small setback. His name is Reggie Bennett, and this is his story.
Reggie was just like any other boy, playing in the playground, having fun, but at the age of 13, as he was playing with a gun, something tragic happened to him. He was shot in the leg by a stray bullet which left him paralysed and in a wheelchair.
Reggie didn't give up on life, and didn't let being in a wheelchair bring him down. He took up wheelchair basketball, until one day, his best friend challenged him to go training with him at the gym, to become a bodybuilder, so he accepted.
He didn't just become a body builder to get big and strong though, Reggie did it because he believes that the human body is a beautiful gift given to man, and should be as healthy as possible.
Reggie won the nationals as a professional bodybuilder, and is the executive director of his organisation. He is also a motivational speaker. Telling people how important it is to be fit even if you have a disability.
He doesn't only just talk to people about how important it is to be fit, but he is also a personal trainer. Training people how to work out, eat well, and even what equipment to use if they have a disability.
The gifted thing about Reggie isn't that he's just a body builder, but the fact that he can relate to people of all ages, and help them out.
He is now living his life in Las Vegas, Nevada; Body building, and teaching people that they can go somewhere even if they have a disability, don't just give up.
Reggies Bodybuilding Achievements:
2007 Wheelchair Nationals - NPC, 3rd - Middle Weight
2002 Wheelchair Nationals - NPC, 2nd - Middle Weight
2001 Wheelchair Nationals - NPC, Overall & 1st - Middle Weight
2000 United States Natural Bodybuilding - ABA, 1st - Physically Challenged Seated
1999 United States Natural Bodybuilding - ABA, 1st - Physically Challenged Seated
1999 National Natural Champion - ABA, 1st - Physically Challenged Seated
1999 America's Natural - ABA, 1st - Physically Challenged Seated
1999 International Forever Natural - ABA, 1st - Physically Challenged Seated
To learn more about Reggie, click here: