Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability

‘Party Drug’ Could Offer Cure For Severe Depression

1 Feb 2012Depression can be a debilitating illness that can go unnoticed to the outside world. Since the 1950's, the leading method of treatment has been anti-depressant medication, which is formulated to regulate the chemicals in the brain. Sometimes however, these medications aren't effective, and other methods need to be sought out.

A major problem with people, who suffer from depression, is that if they get down enough to contemplate suicide, the only relief that they can be given, is medication, which can take weeks to become effective. The only other alternative, is to put them on ‘suicide watch' to prevent them from harming themselves, or someone else, until they can move past the suicidal feelings. But researchers have recently discovered an unrelated drug, which has the capability to clear up suicidal tendencies, as quick as a Panadol gets rid of a headache. This discovery has come from an unlikely source….

Hard core party goers have been abusing prescription drugs for years, to enhance their enjoyment. A street drug known commonly as ‘special k', has become quite popular with ravers. ‘Special k', contains Ketamine, which is a medication that is used to assist in anaesthesia. The party version of the drug, is taken in tablet form, and is typically used for its hallucinogenic effects. But this particular party drug, has been linked to positive effects on severely suicidal depression sufferers.

Researchers have begun trials for those with severe depression, to see what outcome is given, when they are administered with an intravenous dose of the drug. So far, the effects have all been extremely positive.

Most of the patients, who have taken part in the medical trial, have experienced miraculous effects, just a few hours after the drug has been administered. Some, who have been so depressed, that they can't see a future for themselves, were reported to feeling like living and experiencing life again, by the end of the day. And these effects have been known to last for up to a week.

Unfortunately though, this isn't being hailed as a permanent ‘cure' for depression, but has created a gateway into possible advancements for how medical science treats depression in the future. When Ketamine is given intravenously, there is still chances of hallucinations and other side effects that have been documented, and it can also become addictive, so is definitely not going to be the be all and end all to treat depression, but it's a start.

Researchers are going to look into which parts of the drug Ketamine, react with the human brain, to alleviate depression, and try to recreate that in another way, with another form of treatment. To view the original article about this particular research, click on this link: http

This all sounds very exciting, and for those who've suffered from depression, or know someone who has, sometimes it seems like there is just no hope for sufferers, and it can at times seem like no one cares. So hopefully, this new discovery will lead to something wonderful, that can treat depression in the future, as simply as it is these days to treat a headache.

Ketamine is popular today in the dance scene

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