Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability

Northern Territory Taxi drivers get more cash to transport disabled

28 Nov 2012A lot of people with disabilities use taxis as their only mode of transport to get around as they do not have access to a family car that they can roll their electric wheelchairs into.

I found a very interesting article on the net that relates to taxi transport for people with disabilities in the Northern Territory:

My problem is with Transport Minister, Adam Giles', attitude towards people with disabilities. I believe, that through his language he sees people with disabilities as second class citizens and that incentives need to be put in place for the taxi drivers to pick them up (and here I go again on the incentive bandwagon – hmmm?)

Adam Giles also went on to say that “the number of cab trips disabled people can take has also been increased from 120 to 180 a year.” Wow! I can now go out 3 days a week one week and four days the next! What if I were to live in Darwin, choose to work full time and need a taxi to get there and back each day?

Here is the real clincher - the payment is not to pay for fares but the getting passengers in and out of the taxi. What? In NSW there is a subsidy where the government pays half your taxi fare up to the amount of $30 each way and there is no limit to the number of times you travel in a year.

I can't believe the Northern Territory Government are so behind the times in taxi transport for people with disabilities.

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Previous Comments

shehu isah phesphes from lagos nigeria posted on 22 Dec 2014
you people are really doing very will as far as my country is conernas for the issue of person living with disability our presdent is yet to sign the DISABILITY BILL that will give us equal right in the country He is there very busy about politic and campain to retain his office as a presdent

Jesson from Darwin posted on 28 Nov 2012
Hi Martha and Co,While I understand your thoughts on this you really need to get out of Sydney and see more of how the rest of Australia operates. Don't just be a tourist, but live in the place before you criticise what you don't understand.Darwin has a population of 120 000 not 4 1/2 million like Sydney. There are just not enough workers and resources to go around so there is a lot of 'cherry picking' of jobs and picking the one that pays the best. This issue is not so much about people with disabilities, but about making the fastest dollar. There is such a big passing parade of people in Darwin and NT that getting past providing the very basics of food, drinkable water and housing is still a job for the future.While taxis for people in wheelchairs are available here, there isn't enough work to actually make them financially viable.Welcome to how the rest of Australia lives...

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