Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability

No Time For Love To Wait

8 Dec 2011Speaking as someone who has just gotten married (almost 4 weeks ago!), I can honestly say that it was one of the most beautiful, emotional, stressful and special times in my life. As fast as the day flew by, I will forever cherish the memories that I have, along with the photos and video footage, just in case I forget anything.

For Melanie Carr, 27, and her husband, Jeremy Doyle, 28, their wedding day wasn't exactly what they were dreaming of. Jeremy, who became a paraplegic, as the result of an accident when he was four, met Melanie online earlier this year, and once they met; their love blossomed and grew into something magical. They began dreaming of their blissful future together and even planned on marrying.

But when Jeremy, a cancer survivor, who has represented Australia in wheelchair basketball, was told that his cancer had returned and spread to other parts of his body, the couple had to fast track their wedding plans. You see, doctors gave Jeremy and Melanie the heartbreaking news that his condition was now terminal, and Jeremy only had 12 months to live.

The couple wanted to experience at least part of the remainder of their short lives together, as husband and wife, so planned to wed on December 9, in Camden, south west of Sydney. Unfortunately though, on Friday of last week, Jeremy was taken to Campbelltown Hospital because of two infections. Upon talking to the emergency room doctor, the couple decided to marry last week in the emergency department of Campbelltown Hospital.

A quick call was made to their celebrant to move things forward. While Melanie got everything she needed for the ceremony, the hospital staff, so kindly organised some special touches for their big day. A nurse did Melanie's nails, while an ambulance officer did her hair and make-up, other nurses and paramedics hung up some white sheets as a back drop, and strung fairy lights up. They ordered a cake and flowers for the happy couple, purchased a bottle of champagne, and eagerly lined the walls to watch as Melanie walked down the hallway, alongside her father, to greet her future husband, in his hospital bed.

While not all family and friends could attend, Melanie and Jeremy called the people closest to them, to witness their union. Melanie recalls the moment as she turned the corner, into the room where Jeremy lay, complete with boutonniere pinned to his shirt, she said ‘it was just the sweetest thing to see, it was just beautiful'.

The couple are unsure if their reception will go ahead tomorrow, but are grateful that they are now married, and are making the most of their final days, week or months together as husband and wife, however long that may be.

As a newlywed myself, I can't imagine how difficult and bittersweet Melanie and Jeremy's romance must be. I jokingly tell Todd all the time that he's not allowed to die before me, because I couldn't imagine my life without him, but for this couple to go into their marriage knowing this straight up, is just heartbreaking and such a brave testament to their love, and I wish them all the best for their precious time together.

To view the couple's story in the Campbelltown Advertiser, click here: http

Since I published this blog, sadly, Jeremy passed away, just two weeks after he wedded Melanie. Family and friends put together a slideshow of the couple, to be shown at their wedding reception, which Jeremy was able to attend. To view the touching slideshow, click here:

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Previous Comments

JoBlogs from Sydney posted on 21 Feb 2012
Hi Jess, thank you so much for clarifying that for me! I always pride myself on having the correct information for my blogs, so I have made the necessary changes. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story otherwise, and I'm sad to hear of Jeremy's passing since I wrote this blog.... May he rest in peace. And, I wish Melanie all the best for her future, and hope she is coping well. Jodie xx

Jess from Sydney posted on 20 Feb 2012
Hi There,Lovely story - but I just wanted to mention that Jeremy wasn't born with paraplegia. He was in an accident when he was young.Thanks!! Love the tribute though...Jeremy's sister-from-another-mother

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