Jo Blogs LIVE
2 Feb 2012:

If you're one of my regular followers, you would most likely know why there is a little box at the top of the home page now with me in it, and what it does…. If not, let me fill you in.
I have just begun a new aspect of my role here at NOVA Employment. My job, as Disability Social Facilitator, has me blogging on this website a few times a week, running my Jo Blogs Facebook page: - and now, I can add weekly live webcast to my list of tasks.
My LIVE show, which I've named Jo Blogs LIVE, will be on every Tuesday at 11am, and can be viewed LIVE, as it's happening, from this website. The show will include segments like: Jo Blogs LIVE Top 5, and Take 5 With Jo Blogs LIVE.
The Top 5 segment will see me discussing the five most relevant aspects of a topic. This week, my top five included tips for job interviews. Take 5 With Jo Blogs LIVE will see me conducting an interview with someone for five minutes. There, I will chat to them about job seeking, what employers look for in an employee or anything else that relates to disabilities or employment.
My live show is still a work in progress, and there is only room for improvement. As we continue with the webisodes, and gain more content, the show will be more exciting and interactive. The goal is to eventually allow viewers to call into the show live, to take part in discussions, or ask me a question.
Here at NOVA Employment, we are always interested in delivering quality, and listening to feedback from the general public is also very important to us. So I urge you to become involved with my show as much as possible. You can give input on what content you think should be in each webisode, or you can ask any question that you would like answered, or you can make suggestions as to who you think would be a good interview subject.
To take part in the show, you can contact me through this website. At the top of your screen, you will see a tab called ‘Contact Jo Blogs', if you click on this tab, you will be able to send me a confidential email, that can only be seen by me. Alternatively, you can add me as a friend through Facebook, and I will be happy to talk to you through there.
I hope you enjoyed the first webisode of Jo Blogs LIVE, and I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, where I will be discussing more employment related topics. But, if you get to me first, you could decide what next week's show will be about! Until then, be good, take every opportunity life throws your way and never give up!
Jo Blogs :-)