Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability

Independent Living - Assistance Around The Home When You Have A Disability

19 May 2011Alright everyone, you asked for it, so here it is..... Some information on how to live alone, or independently from the people you live with, when you have a disability.

Now, as I'm based in Sydney, I was only able to use the internet as my tool for searching for services related to home assistance for people with a disability. So obviously, I don't have every service available, but I hope to provide you with some useful services that may be able to help, or at least, refer you on to somewhere that can.

As you are probably aware, living with a disability can be quite frustrating at times. When you want that glass that is out of reach, or you want to bring your washing in, or contribute in some way to the housework. I know I've been called demanding or bossy at times, for asking for help from a family member or friend, for something that is so simple, so effortless to them, something that they take for granted, the fact that they can do such an easy task, without thought.

From my perspective, I'm not being ‘demanding' or ‘bossy', purely, just, subconsciously frustrated that I can't do something so small, for myself, so sometimes it can come across that way. I suppose, we need to be aware, that everyone doesn't live like us, therefore, they don't easily recognize the daily struggle of not being able to do something for ourselves. But, that goes both ways, carers need to realize that what they see as unimportant or insignificant to them, maybe completely relevant to the person that they are helping.

I have had lots of my blog followers mention that it is difficult to find assistance in and around the home, that doesn't cost the earth. Unfortunately, I didn't come across many, if any free services that are available. But hopefully, you can contact the available Government services that may be able to assist you with funding.

You would think that with statistics like: every one in five people in NSW live with a disability, there would be more easily accessible, household assistance available. And something that doesn't cost the earth, as we already have enough medical expenses to worry about, let alone, compulsory things like housework!

New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory:

**Homecare – offers assistance with cooking, cleaning, personal care and a sleepover service. Rates range from $35 per hour - $145 per hour. Government assistance is available if you apply through the Department of Ageing Disability and Home Care, who can be contacted on 1800350792. Contact Homecare for more information on 1300303770, or visit their website -
http - There is currently no waiting list for Homecare.

**Homecare list of offices in NSW - - simply select Home Care Service, then press enter and all NSW offices and contact details will be available to view

**Garden Care & Lawn Mowing Service – Canterbury area – there is a small charge, dependent on the size of the lawn – 97509344 – similar service in Riverwood, non for profit organisation – 95330115

**Redcross Telecross – This is a free service that calls people who are at risk of falling, or becoming ill, to check that everything is ok – 92294222

**Catholic Community Care Services – Assistance with finding people with disabilities suitable housing. There is a priority service for those who need financial assistance – 1800225474

**Baptist Community Services NSW & ACT - 9023 2500


**QLD Disability Information Service – 0732247176

**QLD Disability Info Service – 1800177120

**QLD Narrating Service – Located in Fairfield Gardens, free service that can record documents, brochures, books, articles ect. onto a cassette tape or compact disc, for those who have difficulty reading, or can no longer read due to their disability. A fee is charged for some services - 0738958555


**Kingston Victoria Disability Services – A service that offers assistance for people with disabilities, fee is based on income, once an assessment has been commenced – 1300653356

**Home and Community Care Victoria – A service that offers assistance with cooking, cleaning, personal care and a sleepover service. Rates range from $35 per hour - $145 per hour. Government assistance is available, contact Justin McDermott for more information on 90968424

South Australia:

**South Australia Disability Services Infoline – This is a service that offers assistance with general housework, washing clothes, nursing and healthcare, personal care, delivering meals, maintaining and repairing the home and garden, getting around the house safely – installation of ramps, rails and other mobility equipment, shopping and transport – 1300786117

**Commonwealth Carelink – 1800052222

**Disability Information and Resource Centre – 1300305558

**The Independent Living Centre of South Australia - 1300885886

Western Australia:

**The Independent Living Centre – 1300885886 (same as SA's Independent Living Centre)

**Disability Service Commission, Western Australia – 1800998214

Unfortunately, there was very limited information for Tasmania and the top end of Australia, so I apologize for this, but if there is anyone who is particularly interested in a specific area, please send me an email and I'll be happy to do some more investigating for you, where I will have the time to do a more thorough search. For now though, I hope this has assisted some of you.

Another tip, if you contact you local council, they will usually have contacts to services for disability assistance :-)

Assistance is available with garden and backyard maintanence

Assistance is available with cooking

Assistance is available with general housework

A satisfied client of Baptist Community Services

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Previous Comments

cheryl from nsw posted on 21 May 2011
was glad to be reminded that things i take for granted are difficult for others ... i work in a group home with four intellectually disabled adults and sometimes they get frustrated with me and i with them sometimes .. forgetting limitations or how important their requests are to them to live life more fully ... there is very little free help in the community and government bodies do not supply enough funds to help those with disabilities enjoy the freedoms others like myself take for granted .. again thank you for reminding me to stop and think then act

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