Have You Read NOVA’s Ezine Lately?
8 Feb 2011:
Have you checked out the NOVA Employment Ezine? It's like a magazine, but for the internet.... You will be able to read about all of the great work that's being done by our helpful staff here at NOVA Employment. And also be in the know about what's ahead for us and our jobseekers.
In the Month of January, the Ezine talks about what you would like to see in our Ezine articles, the success of our current jobseekers, it addresses the devastation caused by the QLD floods, the new NOVA Employment television commercials, which began on the 6th February, and some information on our Transition To Work program and the triumphant conclusion that our 2nd year Trainees experienced at the end of last year, along with welcoming some eager new Trainees to the program. You will also be informed about some staff management changes that are taking place at our Head Office at the moment.
The Ezine is available to view on our www.novaemployment.com.au website every month and I will be posting a link up to it every month here, on Can-Do-Ability. Alternatively, if you would like a free subscription to our monthly Ezine, please send me your email address.
To view our latest issue, click here:
http If you have any article ideas, feel free to email them to me or any other of NOVA's websites, otherwise, happy reading!