Can-Do-Ability: Answers and Solutions from my personal experiences of living with a disability

Government Wants To Cut Disability Pension To Rebuild QLD Following Floods

15 Feb 2011Something that has been reported on in the news all around the world recently, is the disaster and devastation that has been left behind from the floods in North Queensland.

As much as I feel for all of the flood victims in QLD, I absolutely disagree with the Business Council of Australia saying that Disability Pensions should be cut to help pay for the rebuilding of QLD!

Why don't we start by cutting payments to those who are on the dole and refuse to do get off their butt to get a job, or criminals who get to live like kings in their comfy Australian jail cells, while many people with disabilities are living in unsuitable housing because there is not enough assistance???

So frustrating when there are still people in 2011, who hold positions of power and think this way! People with disabilities need to be made a priority, so they can grow and give what they can to society.

As is stated further into the article, we need to focus on making more businesses disabled friendly, so more people on the disability pension who are able to work, can.

To view the article that I am talking about..... Click here: http

Let me know what you think, and what the Government should be price cutting before the Disability Pension.

Flood damaged QLD

Flood damaged QLD

The out of touch Graham Bradley, who wants to cut the disability budget

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Previous Comments

justicefordisabilitypeople from Melbourne posted on 3 Feb 2012
These people at the business council are all criminals, their agenda is to destroy this country. Why don't they pay for the floods??? those CEOs get paid millions of dollars to destroy Australia, they are the ones that give Australian jobs to countries like china and India, they are the ones who bring migrants on a working visa and pay them allot less what they would pay an Australian so they make even more profit, now they blame the weak and the sick and disabled people of Australia because those criminals government and business council people dont want to pay so take the money from the poor people. God will judge them all very soon !!

kristine from qld posted on 17 Sep 2011
its the government that costs too much wastes too much spends too much of the tax payers money too keep the huge amount of them in clover and with BIG pensions but none to give to the taxpayer who rightly deserve it not the greedy government

Elizabeth from Newcastle posted on 18 Apr 2011
I was astounded to hear this on the news, so shacked I disbelieved my ears, and listened to it again. We are in debt for only one reason, Labor wasted all our money, they handed out money like it was lollies and even to the dead. Then there was the pink Batts!! I think it is a shocking state of affair's when we target the disabled. Time for those of us who voted Labor to change our votes. They have gotten to big for their boots.

Suzy from Sunshine Coast posted on 8 Apr 2011
Why not target the fat cats !! Lets lesson the load of the pollies pockets and the enormous amount of funds dished out to overseas aid - lets start looking at our own back yard first !!! Bugger cutting the poor disabled pension - what the hell are you lot thinking.

Dean from Sunshine Coast posted on 7 Apr 2011
Discusting! The latest article quotes Julia Gillard as saying disabled pensioners to aid in flood recovery! Why are the unemployed not targeted? I know of so many unemployed ppl who spend their allowance on drugs!Once again ppl in true need of wefare are being penalised. Why are the pollies having THEIR salary cut? Absolute joke!

Gaz from NSW posted on 2 Mar 2011
People that are on D.S.P AREN'T supposed to be working.(at least no more than 15hours)That is why they are on it.I resent this article as its trying to treat them the same as dole recipients. A little dignity is all they need (and yes they can have that on the D.S.P)and not inuendos that they are little more than bludgers. Go find your money elsewhere Suggest your own pocket first, then the pollies, parasites that they are.

mathew from rhodes posted on 24 Feb 2011
disability pension although it may seem to be enough it aint, we have wheelchairs repairs and upgrades, medications special aides, list goes on, the government wont fund alot of those things and when they do, it is for selcted people. I suggest cutting politicians pays, that is what we should be doing

Toni from Wollongong posted on 21 Feb 2011
I am on the disability pension and reading this actually worries me, cut the pension!? it is obvious that the ones that made this decision have anyone in there family on a pension?I would work if I could, but with my disability I can't, no one will hire me because I am as they have all said " Sorry you are too much of a liability" and I can understand that, I have no balance left because of my condition and I can not say with a certainty that I can work because I suffer with vertigo every day.Some recommendations instead of cutting the disability pension are....1. The Government can cut back on Asylum Seeker excursions.2. The Government can stop the Sole Supporting Parents Pension because I have seen many many girls have another child just before they are forced to look for work, one mistake yes...but 7-8 ( they are abusing the system, cut those ones make them look for work, I was working when I was a single mother.2. The dolies that won't look for work, cut their payments, it will make work look more attractive.3. believe this or not, but if you are a drug addict you are dumped onto the disabilty pension, why aren't they made clean themselves up and look for work? they are not disabled, their disability is self-inflicted why are they treated the same way as those of us that are disabled because of an injury caused by someone else or a disease.

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