Go YELLOW for Wishbone Day
3 May 2012:

There are thousands of fundraising events every year, around the world, so many that it's hard to keep up with when you're supposed to wear what colour on which day, and buy what pin from where.
It can be difficult seeing all of these worthy causes, and feeling helpless if you're not being able to support all of them, that's why most people just choose one charity that they prefer, and stick with it. Usually, we tend to choose something that is close to our heart. My husband and his family like to support ovarian cancer research, because they lost their mother to it, my stepmother's family chooses Pink Ribbon Day, because they lost a loved one to breast cancer, and I love animals, so I like to donate to charities that support the fight against animal cruelty.
This Sunday though, the 6th May, I'll be supporting a different event. Something even closer to my heart; Wishbone Day! Wishbone Day was created in Australia, and came about as a way for people to raise awareness for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) or Brittle Bones, which is what I have.
Since it was created, Wishbone Day has spread across the world like wild fire; it has reached people from Australia, to Argentina. The creators of Wishbone Day don't want monetary donations, all they are asking for, is participation, to create awareness. How can you get involved I hear you ask? Go yellow!
If you know anyone with OI, then please help by supporting this valuable cause. On Sunday 6th May, you can either, wear something yellow, make yellow food or organise a picnic or lunch somewhere with some friends to celebrate the fabulousness that is OI.
You can find out more, and see how people from around the world are choosing to make Sunday 6th May great, by visiting the Wishbone Day site here: www.wishboneday.com or, you can watch a clip of everyone from all over the globe, showing their support for Wishbone Day from last year, by clicking here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=msKhuJoKF-Y&feature=player_embedded
On the website, you'll see Wishbone Day's mascot; a little figurine called ‘Wishy' who has been sent to families affected by OI, from all over the world. Wishy left on Wishbone Day last year and finally arrived back in Australia just yesterday.
In the lead-up to this year's Wishbone Day, families from everywhere have made up ‘Did you know' posters that show a picture of their child with OI, with the caption ‘Did you know' below, with their own story to finish off the sentence. Some examples are: Did you know…. ‘That my parents were told that I was so fragile that I'd need to be carried on a pillow… And then running became the plan!' and: Did you know… ‘My parents were told to stop working on the nursery because babies like me do not survive… Lucky for me, the nursery got done!' The posters can be seen on the Wishbone Day FB page by visiting www.facebook.com/wishboneday
Wishbone Day events are being held on all quarters of the globe this May 6th, and you can check the finer details through the Wishbone Day website. I will be celebrating with my fellow OI-ers here in Sydney, at the gorgeous Darling Harbour, where anyone and everyone is welcome.
If you're unable to make it on Sunday to any of the pre-planned events, feel free to plan your own Wishbone Day celebration, but don't forget to take photos of you and your group for the Wishbone Day website. Let's make people aware of OI, because awareness makes a difference!