Focus On Ability Short Film Competition Is Ready To Announce Some Winners!!!
13 Aug 2010:

Earlier this year, there was a short film competition run by NOVA Employment which closed on the 30th June, called Focus On Ability.
The competition had three different categories for people to enter into; individuals, individual school students and school groups. This year, the competition was open to the entire world. We have had a delightful number of entrants and voters from around the globe.
The winners have been chosen by you, the general public. And the time to announce those winners is fast approaching. If you would like to be part of history, then you need to come along to NOVA Employments first Focus On Ability Short Film Festival. There are limited seats which are being filled fast.
Winners will be announced on the night and the winning individual entrant will receive $5000 for their winning film, the winning school will also receive $5000 for theirs, and the winning individual student will receive $1500. So it will be an exciting night all round where we will all get to see some great short films about disabilities that are funny, inspirational and moving.
If you would like to watch any of the entrant's films, please visit the website at
To book a spot, or for more info, please contact Ryan Goodwin on 0298332500. The short film festival will be held on Wednesday 25th August, at 6pm until approx 9:15 at the Hoyts Entertainment Quarter, Bent Street, Moore Park in Sydney. Parking and disabled parking will also be available for a small fee.