Don't let others put you down
8 Mar 2016:

I'm less capable at something's. This is a fact and I don't deny that. But that doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing everything. There are always people who feel the need to put you down. What's hurtful is when they bring your disability into it and use it as a tool to belittle you, and make themselves feel better.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
The only reason you were accepted into university is because they know you have a disability and they felt sorry for you.
This came from a friend. We both applied at the same time, I was accepted and they weren't. They always thought they were superior to me and this outcome shocked them. So in an effort to repair their ego they lashed out at me. Trying to tell me they deserved to be accepted more than me.
This comment opened my eyes to the prejudice that exists. Had I been younger and not comfortable with who I am it would have been more hurtful than it was. Don't get me wrong CMT can be a major pain, literally. But it's a part of who I am and I accepted that a long time ago.
Not everyone is comfortable with themselves or their limitations though. Had this been said to someone younger it could be devastating for their confidence. I know I took a lot of negative things said to me to heart when I was younger.
Disability is seen as something that ruins your life, something that makes you less than other people. While there are people who believe it this will continue to happen. But do we want to life in a world where disabled people are belittled into accepting a life of mediocrity just so others can feel better about their own lives?
Don't let anyone tell you that you're less than you are, or that you're not good enough when you know you are. The key to not letting these comments affect you is recognising that all the negativity they are openly directing at you, they are secretly directing at themselves. Because your achievements have made them reflect on their own life, and they realise they haven't tried as hard as they could have. It is easier for them to blame someone else for their situation than take responsibility and do something about it.
Has this sort of thing happened to you? Let me know in the comment section below.