Disabled Fashion Models
1 Sep 2014:
How is fashion clothing made for people with disabilities? It's not considered at all.
I have always loved buying clothing that is fashionable but there are times when I am utterly frustrated.
Pants with pockets in the front are a no-no for me as the front looks like a bag of material sitting on my lap.
Layered skirts are also a no-no as the layers don't look anywhere as nice as if you were standing up.
If designers were to give some consideration to those of us that sit. We would all be happy.
I normally get my seamstress to sew layers together and stitch up and cut those pockets out.
A great article I found on the topic can be read here: TARGET=new>http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/sep/03/physical-disabilities-fashion-models