Dignified Death still Elusive
11 Jun 2013:

Last night on The Project, the topic of euthanasia was discussed in a story that had two people with serious illness wanting the right to a dignified death.
You can read more of this story by following this link: http://theprojecttv.com.au/dignified-death-remains-elusive.htm
Euthanasia is a hot topic with many reasons for and against. I think that it is sad that the Legislative Council has defeated the bill for a patient to end their life by a medical practitioner.
I think people have a right to choose to end their life before their medical condition gets so bad that they are in excruciating pain or that they are no longer able to communicate. I think dignity is important and people need to not suffer the humiliation in order to die peacefully and with respect.
My cousin recently died of septicaemia and was in excruciating pain leading up to her death - a memory that her family have etched in their mind. Had she been allowed to die peacefully a bit earlier than the memories would have been nicer.