Charisse Living with Cerebral Palsy
26 Mar 2013:

I have discovered this inspirational woman on youtube.
Charisse has been making youtube videos for the past 3 years to express herself when she has felt judged and misunderstood. Charisse has low tone Cerebral Palsy and Ataxia which has impeded her speech. To overcome her speech difficulties Charisse adds subtitles to her videos.
Charisse has succinctly addressed many issues people with a disability want everyone else to know. Her main goal is to show the world that people with disabilities can do things other people can do, sometimes they just do things differently in their own unique way. Charisse films, edits, and uploads all her own videos by herself.
I find Charisse's videos inspiring and motivating. Charisse has made me laugh and cry. As Charisse's videos have evolved, her outgoing personality and confidence are awesome.
You can find Charisse's youtube channel and Facebook page by searching ‘Charisse Living with Cerebral Palsy'.
Some of my favourites are: