Africa plans to move ahead in disabilities
14 Oct 2013:

In the following article: you will be delighted by the leaps and bounds happening in Africa to make disabilities an important issue on the international scene.
I was inspired by the author of this article, AK Dube, who although is disabled has lived a life of independence due to his father's foresight in knowing that it was important for his son to be able to function in society.
It is also important to acknowledge that because of his independence, he was able to advocate for people with disabilities. I believe being encouraged to function in the community when you have a disability leads to more and more opportunity.
Being treated as a disabled person with limitations and being kept hidden doesn't do you or the community any good. It is not only limiting but the community misses out on what the person with a disability has to offer.
It is really important for the MDG to be enforced and that people with disabilities have the resources they need as well as being treated as valued members in society.