A Tortoise Who Knows How To Rock And ‘Roll’
22 Jul 2011:

As I'm sure my regular blog readers know by now, I'm a sucker for animals. Whenever I hear a happy ending to unfortunate events relating to a pet or wild animal, it makes me all warm and gooey inside! And today's story is no exception...
Gamera, the African tortoise, who was named after a giant flying turtle from vintage Japanese monster movies, is the newest member to join our disabled community.
Gamera is 12 years old, weighing in at 10.5kg. Back in April, Gamera was taken to Washington State University animal hospital by his owner with a life threatening injury to his leg. The only way they could save Gamera, was to amputate his front left leg at the shoulder.
To keep Gamera as agile as possible, veterinarian's glued a $7 castor wheel, bought from a local hardware store, to the underside of his shell. They also used glue from the same hardware store as well. Being the type of wheel that swivels, it enables Gamera to move easily on hard and soft surfaces, like concrete, or grass.
Gamera has adapted to his new prosthesis quite quickly, already gaining more than a kilo, since having it attached. A spokesman for the animal hospital notes that he moves very quickly when it comes time to munch on food.
It's so great to see animals being assisted by mobility aids, just like humans. It seems, it doesn't matter who we are, or where we come from, everyone can use a little help at times. Here's hoping that Gamera now has many more years left in him, to live as long as some of his fellow species, which can be up to 50 years.
If you like to view the original story about Gamera and his amazing story of breaking down barriers, click here: