A Credo
16 Sep 2013:
Today's blog shows a video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wunHDfZFxXw of a group of disabled people stating what they want and don't want from the general public and their workers – a credo of support.
They want:
- Their disability seen as an attribute.
- To contribute in their own way.
- To feel entitled to say ‘no'.
- You to ask if they want your help.
- To be respected, not admired.
They don't want:
- Their disability to be seen as a deficit.
- To be seen as broken.
- To be seen as a client but as a fellow citizen and a neighbour.
- Their behaviour modified.
- You to make it all better.
- To be controlled.
- You to try to be their ‘friend', but to get to know them first.
- To be told, corrected or led. Instead listened to, supported and followed.
- To be worked on, but worked with.
What an awesome credo to live by!