2011 Australian Federal Budget - What Are Your Views?
11 May 2011:

I'd love to hear what your personal views are on this year's Australian budget.
It seems to me that the crack down on eligibility criteria for the disability pension is something that is desperately needed... In my opinion, there are far too many people on the disability pension these days that don't really need to be. I just hope it doesn't affect those who truly depend on it!
Now-days, it's easier to get the disability pension than it is to get the dole! I strongly agree with encouraging people, who are mentally and physically capable of working, back out into the workforce. They need to stop stealing tax payers hard earned dollars! While we're all legitimately working hard, struggling to pay bills, spend time with our families and keep the household in order, they get to wander around the shops all week sipping latte's and enjoying leisurely lunches with other bludgers!
It's definitely time for a change! These people need to take responsibility for their own lives, instead of relying on Government handouts.
There is also set to be a huge rise in the way of assistance for people with mental illness too, hopefully this will make it easier for patients to get access to better mental health care... This is one area that I feel badly needs attention... Mental illness ultimately leads to suicide, crime and poverty. If we fix this problem, a lot of other problems will be resolved as well.
But as always, we'll have to wait and see what happens and if the government stays true to their words!
I am by no means an economy expert, so feel free to shed some light on any other issues that you'd like to raise about the Budget, or if you'd like to clarify or delve into anything that I've mentioned above...
For a more in depth, detailed description of this year's Budget, you can also visit
http for more accurate information.